6 Super Creative Hacks to Expand that Tiny Closet

Big closets are something many of us specifically look for when moving into a new house or apartment. After all, it makes more sense to store all that stuff rather than have to part with it because there isn’t enough room to keep it, right?

Sometimes, however, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Small closets happen, and when they do, you have to get creative. Below, we put together some helpful hacks designed to expand those tiny closets so you can keep more of your stuff. Of course, it’s still a good idea to get rid of anything you haven’t looked at, worn, or otherwise used in the last five years.

1. Get Rid Of Some Stuff

If there isn’t room, there isn’t room, plain and simple. Before you try stuffing that tiny closet full, try paring down its inventory. That sweater you haven’t worn in forever – donate it. Those roller skates you keep meaning to put to use but never do – they’re out!

Don’t keep holding onto things you know you’ll likely never use again just because. Your space is limited, and you need to use it wisely.

2. Create Extra Hanging Space Outside The Closet If You Have Room

No one says you have to hang all your clothinginsidethe closet. If you have space outside your tiny closet, hang an extra bar or two to accommodate all the clothing you want to hang.

Alternately, many home improvement stores carry hanging racks on wheels that you simply put together and place anywhere to expand your closet space.

3. Raise Your Bed

There is a lot of valuable space underneath your bed – all you have to do is access it. If you’re not afraid of heights or are claustrophobic, you can raise your bed up high to give you a ton of extra space to put things. Furthermore, if you hang some curtains around the space, it’ll be like having an additional closet in the room.

4. Use The Inside Door Panels For Extra Hanging Space

The inside of the closet door is often overlooked as storage space, but it works great for hanging things like scarves, purses, and other items that hang flat. Simply install a couple of bars or a few hooks to utilize this handy space.

5. Store Shoes Elsewhere

If you have several pairs of shoes that take up a lot of space in your closet, try storing them somewhere else instead.

Under the bed is a great place to store your shoes. If you’re a wine drinker, don’t throw out those empty wine boxes as they make great under-the-bed storage boxes for shoes.

6. Switch Out Seasonal Clothing

Why keep seasonal clothing out all year long when you really don’t have the room for them? Keep a trunk in the bottom of your closet or at the foot of your bed to switch seasonal clothing into when you no longer need them. This will free up space in your closet, making it easier to find what you’re looking for, and the trunk can double as a seat when needed.

Small closets aren’t deal-breakers, especially if the rest of the home is perfect for you. Embrace the small space and use the hacks above to expand that tiny closet.